EO and PO removal
Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide removal
page: Home > Applications > EO and PO removal
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EO (Ethylene Oxide: C2H4O) en PO (Propylene Oxide: C3H6O) are extremely flammable and toxic components.
Both on short as well as on long term, they act as carcinogens and mutagens.
Because of these effects on mankind and the environment, very strict emission standards apply in many countries.
EO and PO are important basic components in a multitude of organic syntheses, for example the production of glycols and higher alcohols.
These glycols are used for the production of automotive anti-freeze, cellophane, polyester resins, synthetic fibers and rubbers, and hydraulic fluids.
Ethylene Oxide is also used as a sterilizing agent for medical equipment in hospitals and in the farmaceutical industry,
Propylene Oxide is sometimes used in the starch industry for improving freezing applications.
Slow Reaction
Chemical reactions with these components take very long, even when a catalyst is used.
A lot of other factors determine the efficiency of this reaction process, so technical know-how is required in order to design a reliable solution.
Using proprietary construction elements, patented technology, and an elaborate knowledge of chemical reaction mechanisms,
BETE EO and PO scrubbers realize poluent concentrations below 1 mg/Nm³ (less than 1 ppm).
As a result, about 50 BETE EO and PO gas scrubbers are operational worldwide.
BETE EO and PO Scrubbers
- Are operational on start-up - no warming up times
- Can be placed in protected zones (explosion risks)
- Handle strongly fluctuating gas flows and peak flows higher than the usual flow
 Three stage Ethylene Oxide / Propylene Oxide scrubber
 Three stage packed tower scrubber in Italy
 Packed tower scrubber in Izmir (Turkey)